Friday, July 5, 2013

Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese and Roasted Green Chili's

This is one of my all time favorite sandwiches. There are several keys to the sandwich that take it to the next level. First, go with a brioche or potato bun. Secondly, the chicken breast needs to be cut thin otherwise the sandwich gets too big and messy. Lastly, I like Sargento pepper jack cheese because it has jalapinos for the heat, not red pepper flakes. The jalapeño cheese really works with the roasted green chili and red onion in this sandwich.

Chicken breast
4 cloves crushed garlic
Whole roasted green chili by Ortega
Sargento pepper jack cheese
Red onion sliced thin
Potato bun

Slice a chicken breasts in half making it half as thick. This will leave you with two slices of breast about about 3/4" thick. Marinate the chicken breast in the crushed garlic for an hour or so.

You can cook the chicken breast any way you like for this dish, though I like a stove top grill. Cook the chicken breast for about 5 minutes per side and you're done.

Next, take the chicken breast to the cutting board and butterfly each piece and top with a slice of pepper jack cheese, see photo.

To prepare the sandwich, I take my spray canola oil and spray just give a quick spray to the inside of the top and bottom of the potato bun and grill in a sauté pan until toasty brown.

Take the bottom half of the bun and add some mayo, lettuce, two rings of red onion, two pieces of the roasted green chili and the chicken breast topped with melted pepper jack cheese. Take the top half of the bun and and some mayo and complete the sandwich.

To serve, cut the sandwich in half and place so the inside of the sandwich faces the outside of the plate. Add a simple salad to the plate such as mixed greens in raspberry vinaigrette dressing topped with blue cheese.

Side Dish Serving Suggestion:
Oven Baked Steak Fries with Organic Catsup

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